Jun 20 2017
Grand Opening of Jimi Hendrix Park, with Northwest African American Museum in background. Photo: Steven C. Pesant / Authentic Hendrix, LLC
Jimi Hendrix Park officially opened Saturday, June 17. Organizers and neighbors marked the day with a public concert on the park grounds, under a shelter designed to look like a butterfly wing.
… Every inch of the park is a testament to Hendrix’s work and legacy — down to the shape of the park itself. The walkways form the outline of a guitar, and 12 “frets” in the instrument’s neck tell the timeline of Hendrix’s life.
The park’s entrance displays Hendrix’s signature carved into the concrete wall before a staircase leading to the green space where purple flowering plants have been added throughout. Hendrix lyrics are etched into the edges of the walkways.
… The park is designed with musicians and performers in mind, featuring a paved area under the shelter for concerts. “I don’t think there’s very many musicians that Jimi didn’t inspire,” Janie Hendrix said.
Read more at The Seattle Times.
Ribbon cutting to officially open Jimi Hendrix Park, with Emcee Michael Wansley, members of Friends of Jimi Hendrix Park, Janie L. Hendrix, Carver Gayton, Mayor Edward B. Murray, and Project Manager Maisha Barnett. Photo: Steven C. Pesant / Authentic Hendrix, LLC
Members of Friends of Jimi Hendrix Park with Emcee Michael Wansley, alongside Janie L. Hendrix, Carver Gayton, Mayor Edward B. Murray, Project Manager Maisha Barnett, Seattle Parks and Recreation Superintendent Jesus Aguiree, and Christopher Smith. Photo: Steven C. Pesant / Authentic Hendrix, LLC
Scott Murase (Murase Associates), basketball legend Lenny Wilkens, Carver Gayton from Friends of Jimi Hendrix Park, and Janie L. Hendrix. Photo: Steven C. Pesant / Authentic Hendrix, LLC
Scott Murase along with childhood friends of Jimi Hendrix. Photo: Steven C. Pesant / Authentic Hendrix, LLC
A child playing on the pathway featuring lyrics to Jimi Hendrix’s “Angel.” Photo: Steven C. Pesant / Authentic Hendrix, LLC
CHALK ART: Sidewalk chalk art competition. Photo: Steven C. Pesant / Authentic Hendrix, LLC
Chalk Art Competition winner Ezra Stansfield with his new Fender Stratocaster sitting alongside his finished masterpiece.
Photo: Steven C. Pesant / Authentic Hendrix, LLC